Monday, 7 January 2013

Beary Good!

As I looked forward to my graduation, erm. Well, technically I have one more semester to go and the final exams will be in June 2013. Nonetheless, my university's graduation ceremony is usually around middle or end of November. I CAN HARDLY WAIT! So excited OMG!


Pardon the over-enthusiasm.

I have requested from the hubs for a graduation bear. He was like, what was the bear for? Any symbolic meaning behind 'em?

I told him, well technically the bear symbolizes nothing. Just that girls (ehem) like soft toys and who in their right mind don't want a forever friends bear? OMG! it is always a nice gesture to give diamonds, cars, property, gold, platinum a small token of appreciation in forms of bears, flowers and knick knacks as encouragements and support.


The hubs asked what kind of bears I like?

Of course the Forever Friends bear(s)!!! Erm. Actually, I liked that Me to You bears too...

Back to our conversation, he was like, what's Forever Friends bear???

And this are what I showed him.

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