Last weekend when we were at the hubs hometown, we went to watch another movie. You know lah, small town, night time are quite bare. Lol. Like nothing much to do lah..
So the hubs and I joined his cousins for a movie at 10.45pm.
Guess what movie we watch?
Chinese movie! Another one! Lol.
I am srsly thinking of eating my own words saying that the hubs are such a bananaman.
This time the four of us catch 忠烈杨家将 (Saving General Yang). Prior to watching this, I have no idea what the story is about. I don't know about the casts, the storyline, the everything lah..
Then when I sat down and started watching, I was like, "Eh! Wu Chun! Eh! Raymond Lam! Eh eh eh!! Ekin!!!"
I was starstruck. Or prolly more like male starstruck. All pretty boysssss...
Overall, I think this story emphasized on love, filial piety, brotherhood and the love for your country.
The person that I salute the most is actually Mother Yang. She is the quiet reserved woman behind the successful husband. You know, those woman that are quiet most of the time in the presence of her husband and public. She will only voice out her opinion when the husband permits her to. She is also the person to give birth to their children without a single complain of pain, endured all the tedious housework and also to wash the husband's feet. Okla.. The wash feet is just an example.
The movie was not as gory as 300, but the bloodshed, cruelly-killed-soldiers-then-hang-their-bodies-on-their-spears are okayy.. Blood flowing like river, or not. Prolly nearer to rain puddles. But those flies hovering those supposedly dead bodies are major ewwwww factor for me.
Each kick, punch, duck, swish swosh blade, cling-clang swords and spears are duly felt by yours truly. By the end of the show, I felt that my whole body were bruised (or am glad that I survived the whole war ordeal). Literally.
This sums the second movie that we have watched for the year.
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