Monday, 8 April 2013

Graphic novels.

I have came across this author Lucy Knisley from Joanna's blog. All my reading life, I have read all kinds of books out there. Self-help, motivational, children's, adult's, young adult's, fiction, non-fiction, comics and whatnots out there.

However, adult type of graphic novels I have not. Really. This is something new to me. However I think it should be something like those Shin Chan comics that I have read during my schooling days isn't it? (okayy.. I just googled crayon shin chan comics and it came up with loadsssss of 'em, in english. I am so left out!)


Pardon the jakunness.

So the first graphic novel that I am interested in by Lucy is this French Milk. Alas, it is out of print at the moment and all, I repeat, ALL bookstores in Malaysia do not have them. *wails*

French Milk is a memoir of Lucy when she traveled to Paris with her mother. I have googled snippets of the comic strips and I find that I quite like the way she portray herself in the memoir.

Well, basically I like reading memoirs and graphic form of memoirs makes the reading much more interesting.

I think.

Update: YES!!! I have found a local bookstore that can order the novel for me and it will take approximately 3-4 weeks to arrive from the US of A.

Then, the same author have come out with her new graphic novel, Relish on 3rd April. *squeeeelllllllllllllllll*

Of course I have to get them both. What nonsense are you talking?

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