Friday, 10 May 2013

Time flies!

Keeping up with my vow to read more this year, here is another book that I have completed. As of now, I have completed a total of 14 books! Wow... I amaze myself sometimes..

* Of course, the 14 books is inclusive of comics and graphic novels...

I keep track of my reading through Goodreads. This is a good website if you have finished reading a book and have no idea of what's next. They got good recommendations an also a challenge for you to keep track of your readings.

You know, sometimes you just keep reading and reading books throughout the year and then when you talk about a certain book with your friends, you have no idea when you have read that. So for those short term memory loss patients (such as me), this is a good tool to remember.

This book talks about an ancient man named Dor. In the story, he is the first man to start counting time.

A fairly interesting way to look into Life and a reminder that we shall not always emphasized on time rather than enjoy every moment that is more valuable.

Do read the book and find it out yourself.

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