This year started out pretty good for us, the newlyweds. In catching up on movies that is.
Le hubs knew this was one of the most anticipated show that I am looking forward to, hence the moment it hits our shore, he said, "Let's go for this!"
Of course, who would refused an invitation like that right? Heh..
So once I came back from the office, we quickly get ready and went out to eat nearby the cinema. Lemme tell you, we are beginning to love the new TGV at Setiawalk. Its awesome!!! I especially love the cleanliness of *almost* brand new cinema seats, the different variety of popcorn that alternate often and the not-so-big crowd... Yet. So far, whenever we felt like watching a movie, almost always we can get good seats no matter how early or how late we bought them. Please please don't turn into the overcrowded cinemasssss pleasssseeeeeeee........
However, once we reached, I went off to get a place and to secure our happy hour drinks, the car broke down. What an incident.
I of course didn't know about it until around an hour later when the hubs finally appear at our table. I asked him what took him so long and he told me that the car broke down. Then, he looked worried, I looked worried, the food tasted like sand paper, he got no mood to eat, bla bla bla...
In the end, I calmed down and told him that I am grateful. He should be too.
I'm grateful that it happened at the right time as I was off work and are back home safely as I drove the car to work that day. I cannot imagine what I will do if the car broke down on me while I am driving back to or from work. *shudders*
Most probably panicking and frantically calling the hubs.
I'm grateful that it happened when we just reached the dinner-and-cinema place as we are actually nearer in distance to the hubs most frequented workshop. Imagine the car broke down when it was at home, I think we will need to hire tow trucks as that is easily another 10-15 kilometers away.
I'm grateful it happened on Friday night as I will not be working on the weekend as we will need to send the car to the workshop and follow-up on what is wrong with the car.
I'm grateful that it happened on the hubs off days, which were Friday and Saturday. That means that he will be readily available to accompany me to see the mechanic and to discuss with him on what steps to take to repair the car.
I'm grateful that it happened on the day where the hubs cousin was around town, so he can come to fetch us after we drop off the car at the workshop after our movie, approximately 11 plus. The hubs decided that we should try to drive the car and park it in front of the workshop so that the mechanic can see it first thing when he came to work. I think that's a brilliant idea, no?
I think this post have turned into 'thank you' note already with all the gratefulness and yada yada..
Back to the movie, somehow I didn't expect that Sulley was such a meanie. And Mike was such a nerd!!! And hurm.. Sulley was like keep banking on his last name to get by irks me! Urgh..
Somehow, I missed Boo.
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